Disks Available from the Apple Blossom

Disk                                Price with Shipping

HyperCard Sampler I                      $5.00
  (HC.Word 2.0, HyperPublisher,
   Les.Vins, Freedom Stack, Calendar)
Modem Starter Disk (3.5" or 5.25")       $3.00
  (now includes ProDOS & BASIC.System)
Computer Keyboarding 5 (5.25")           $5.00
All Hartleyware (3.5")                   $5.00
  (Computer Keyboarding 5, Scavenger
   Hunt USA, S.H. World Edition, and
   S.H. USA Junior Edition)

Apple II System Disk 4.0.2              $ 3.00
Apple IIGS System 6.0.1                 $12.00
   (6 3.5" disks--2 MB RAM, Hard Drive
HyperCard IIGS 1.1                      $12.00
   (6 3.5" disks--2 MB RAM, Hard Drive
Also available if you need HyperCard:
HyperPublisher w/HyperCard IIGS 1.1     $15.00
   (HyperPublisher automates inform-
    ational stack building, with an HTML 
    export option. Purchase counts as
    having paid shareware fee.)
##Special While They Last##
More KeyFonts for Macintosh             $12.00
  (100 TrueType and PostScript fonts
   on 800K HFS disks.
   For use with Pointless* and/or 
   LaserBeam* Brand new, in shrinkwrap.)

For orders outside the U.S./Canada, please include $3.00 extra
for shipping on GS System 6.0.1, HyperCard IIGS 1.1 or More
KeyFonts for Macintosh.

Orders may be placed by sending a check or money order for the amount indicated, made out to "Apple Blossom Publishing" to:
Steve Cavanaugh
Apple Blossom Publishing
P.O. Box 120434
Boston, MA 02112-0434

[N.B. These disks are no longer available. SEC 8/29/08]

*Pointless and LaserBeam are NOT included.

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