Hyper Quarterly
What is Hyper Quarterly?
What is HyperCard IIGS?
How often does Hyper Quarterly ship?
How much is a subscription?
What do I get on the disks?
What type of stacks come on the disks?
What do I need to run Hyper Quarterly?
How do I subscribe?
Who puts together Hyper Quarterly?
Where do I get more info?
1. What is Hyper Quarterly?
Hyper Quarterly is a software subscription based on HyperCard IIGS.
2. What is HyperCard IIGS?
HyperCard IIGS is a hypermedia software package created by Apple Computer, Inc. for the Apple IIGS computer. It is based on an earlier product, HyperCard by Bill Atkinson (of Apple) for the Macintosh. HyperCard IIGS is classified as system software, and
is freely availble for download from America Online, Compuserve, Genie, Delphi and Apple ftp sites. It is also availble from Apple registered user groups, from The Byte Works, and for subscribers from Shareware Solutions II and Apple Blossom Publishing.
For more info, check the HyperCard FAQ page at:
3. How often does Hyper Quarterly ship?
Hyper Quarterly ships approximately once every 3 months. Subscriptions are for one year, although single issues may be purchased.
4. How much is a subscription?
A one year subscription to addresses in the United States and Canada costs $35.00. Subscriptions to addresses in Europe, Australia, Africa, Mexico and Latin America and Asia costs $40.00. Individual issues are available for $11.95 in the U.S./Canada or $
15.00 elsewhere.
5. What do I get on the disks?
Each issue consists of two 800K 3.5 disks. The premier issue had 10 stacks as well as a front end stack that includes news, articles and information about the issue. While each issue may not contain 10 stacks, it will likely be around that number. But si
nce stacks can be different sizes, all we can assure is that you'll get close to 1600 K every two months. In fact, on the issue 2 disks, we had so much material that we had to create two self-extracting ShrinkIt files for the disks. Unshrunk, the stacks
came close to 2400K!
6. What type of stacks come on the disks?
The stacks that are part of Hyper Quarterly vary widely! The first issue had stacks for creating HTML tables, converting HTML files to WordPerfect format, a rolodex with automatic time zone tracking, an editor for Lynx web browser bookmarks, a recipe sta
ck, stacks with tools for speeding up the creation of your own stacks, and an offline message browser for Delphi. The second issue, which shipped in early November, has a lunar lander game, a stack for creating multimedia study aids from Gutenberg etexts
(along with a sample bookstack), collections of XCMDs for stack building, and a translator for GW III for WordPerfect files (to go along with the updated HTML.to.WP converter stack). In other words, utilities, games, stack building kits, databases, and
7. What do I need to run Hyper Quarterly?
First of all, you need an Apple IIGS with at least 2 MB of RAM, 1 3.5" disk drive, a mouse & keyboard, and a hard drive. You should be running System 6.0.1 and have HyperCard IIGS version 1.1. (NOTE: HyperCard IIGS version 1.0 will not work properly with
8. How do I subscribe?
Send a check or money order in U.S. funds made out to "Apple Blossom Publishing" to:
Steve Cavanaugh
Apple Blossom Publishing
P.O. Box 120434
Boston, MA 02112-0434
Your subscription will begin with issue 1 and continue through issue 4.
9. Who puts together Hyper Quarterly?
Steve Cavanaugh, who also publishes the Apple Blossom newsletter, is the publisher. HangTime, former editor of Script Central, a publication of Resource Central, is the creator of the Front End and many useful stack utilities. Gareth Jones, a well-known
Apple II editor and writer, is a prolific stack author who also aids in editorial content.
Also joining us with contributions have been Josh Calvin, Brian Gillespie, Tom Stechow, and J. Eric Schonblom. Contributions to Hyper Quarterly are welcome (and paid for!).
10. Where do I get more info?
What, you want more? If you have further questions, please send email to Steve at:
Last updated: November 6, 1997