The Apple Blossom, a bimonthly newsletter reviewing Apple II software,
hardware and vendors, as well as providing feature articles, interviews and "how-to" articles" is now available by subscription. Each issue is at least 12 pages long, and is delivered via First Class mail.
Subscriptions for 1997 are $16.00 per year for the U.S. and Canada, $22.00 in any other country. Volume 2 (1996) and Volume 1 (1995) are no longer available, but I will be compiling a "best of" both volumes with some additional material that should be available by the end of February for those who have not subscribed but are in terested in past issues. To give you an idea of the scope of the newsletter I've prepared this index.

The Apple Blossom now has nearly 200 subscribers who live in the United States, Canada, Mexico, Germany, France, Denmark, Belgium, Ireland and Australia.

Folks have had a chance to take a look at The Apple Blossom for the past year, and have watched its growth. If you haven't yet seen it, download a copy and see for yourself. You can download complete issues, or read the issues article by article on the Apple Blossom Online site. The URL is:


If you would like to subscribe, you can fill out the order form below (everything below the "Subscription Form" mark please) and mail it to me with your payment in US currency to:

Steve Cavanaugh
The Apple Blossom
P.O. Box 434
Boston, MA 02112-0434

=======================SUBSCRIPTION FORM=======================

Apple Blossom Subscription Form 1ABO

Subscribing for 1997 ___ US/Canadian ($16.00) ___ ($22.00) Other countries

Zip/Postal Code:
Computer (check one or more)
Apple II Apple II+ Apple IIe
Apple IIc Apple IIc+ Apple IIGS
Laser Other Apple II compatible
Mac IBM/Clone Other

Peripherals (check as many as apply)
Hard Drive RAM (in K or MB) Modem (baud)
Dotmatrix printer Inkjet printer Laser printer
CD-ROM Removable HD (Zip, SyQuest)
Network MIDI Sound Card
Scanner Other (X-10/Robotics/Scientific Equip.)

Things you would like to see covered in The Apple Blossom (feel free
to add to this list or describe exactly what you'd like to see)
PostScript printing BASIC
CD-ROMs Hypermedia programs
AppleWorks Cross-Platform sharing
Graphics Hardware upgrades
Telecommunications Scanning
MIDI/Music 8-bit software reviews

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