What's New for the Apple II?

Although Apple Computer made the last Apple II in December of 1993, support for the Apple II has not ceased. Last year saw new software and hardware for the computer, and 1995 promises more of the same. In many ways, the platform is only now maturing, an d its capabilities are just being utilized.

Some new products that became available in the last year are listed below, broken down into hardware and software. Products that are expected in the new year are listed afterwards.

Software	 	                 Publisher
AppleWorks 5.0 (integrated)	        Quality Computers
Quick Click Calc (spreadsheet)	     ByteWorks
DiscQuest Encyclopedia	             Sequential Systems
DiscQuest (CD-ROM for the GS)	      Sequential Systems
Financial Genius (financial org.)	  shareware, Rick Adams
SoundMeister (sound digitizer)	     Alltech Electronics
Faxination (fax software)	          Vitesse, Inc.

Hardware	 	                         Manufacturer
BlueDisk floppy controller	         ///SHH Systeme
Quickie Color Scanner	              Vitesse, Inc.

Products expected in 1995
Quick Click Word (advanced desktop word processor for the GS), 

Spectrum 2.0 (telecommunications),
GraphicWriter III 2.0 (desktop publishing),
Modzap 1.0 (MOD player for the GS),
fax software from Paul Parkhurst,
upgrade to DiscQuest Encyclopedia Hardware Second Sight VGA card for the IIGS & IIe,
TurboRez GS (full color and animation on the IIGS screen...support for VGA monitors in 640 mode)

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