
vol. 1 no. 2 Spring 1995

About the Apple Blossom

The Apple Blossom is written on an Apple IIGS using ShadowWrite and AppleWorks 5.0 for text entry, GraphicWriter III for page layout, and SuperConvert for printing super hi res graphics. It is printed on an Apple Personal LaserWriter 320. (Both GraphicWriter III and the LaserWriter 320 represent upgrades for me since the first issue.) It is mailed free of charge to the schools in my area (New Castle County, Delaware) and may be reprinted by you for free distribution to schools or other interested parties. This html version is supplied for those of you lucky enough to have Web access. There is also a text version for those using a IIe or Iic, or those without GraphicWriter III.

If you would like an article printed in the next Apple Blossom (approximately June of 1995) send your submission to me at: Steve Cavanaugh, 1117 Maple St., Wilmington, DE 19805. I don't guarantee publication, but I will give it my best shot. I won't return any submissions, however, so don't send your only copy!

This issue includes an article on the TurboASB card that first appeared in PowerGS Diskazine #5. It is reprinted with the kind permission of Auri Rahimzadeh, the publisher/editor of PowerGS.

If you want to get in touch via e-mail, my addresses are:

[N.B. The above addresses are historical only. If you'd like to get in touch, my current address and email are:
Steve Cavanaugh
26 Moulton St.
Brockton, MA 02302]

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