Shareware Solutions II

There are presently only a few print magazines available for users of the Apple II, and I would like to introduce the youngest of these to you today. Shareware Solutions II is written by Joe Kohn, a former writer/editor with Incider/A+, which folded in 1 993. One of Joe's columns in that magazine was Shareware Solutions, which is where the name for his present periodical comes from. In that column, Joe reviewed shareware software, alerting his readers to the gems that were available online.

With his present periodical, Joe goes far beyond reviewing shareware-his bi-monthly, twenty page magazine contains news of new commercial products, special offerings from various Apple II vendors, tips on using your Apple II to do "the impossible", tu torials on navigating the Internet and online services, Easter egg alerts, and musings about the history and future of the Apple Ii computer. Shareware Solutions II is also recognized as an international users group by Apple, and distributes system softw are, as well as shareware, and Contacts GS, a contact manager that is now published by Joe.

Currently, there are three subscription offerings available.

1) A One Year, 6 Issue Subscription: This subscription starts with the current issue of Shareware Solutions II. The cost is $25 for US or Canadian delivery; $40 for delivery anywhere else in the world. Please note that all issues are mailed by First Class Air Mail.

2) The First 12 Issues (2+ years worth of newsletters): Previously named "The Complete Shareware Solutions II Collection," this subscription begins with the Premiere July, 1993 issue and runs through Volume 2, Issue 6 (due to appear in late-1995). Included in this collection are all of the back issues published to date. This 12 issue subscription is available for only $35 to subscribers in the US or Canada, and $50 for International subscribers. Please note that all issues are mailed by First Class Air Mail.

3) The First 18 Issues (3+ years worth of newsletters): This subscription includes the first 18 issues of Shareware Solutions II (the first 3+ years!), includes all the back issues published to date, and will run through Volume 3, Issue 6 (due to appear in late-1996 or early-1997). This 18 issue subscription is available at the discounted rate of only $55 to subscribers in the US or Canada, and $75 for International subscribers. Please note that all issues are mailed by First Class Air Mail.

This is a unique arrangement that allows you to not miss out on any of the great writing about the Apple II that Joe has put together...along with alerting you to the many "Such a Deal's" that Joe has arranged over the last two years, many of which a re still valid. These deals can often result in prices that are more than 50% less than retail, so if you are considering purchase of new hardware or software for your Apple II, one purchase made as an SSII subscriber might very well pay for your subscri ption via the savings you realize.

Here are the type of articles you can expect to see in SSII: in April's issue, Joe talks about how to print "Printshop"Šstyle cards using a high resolution printer like the DeskJet 500 or the LaserJet IIp. As any of you who have upgraded your printer know, the Printshop by Broderbund does not have drivers for many of the newer printers, and does not work with AppleTalk printers, so it has become somewhat of an orphan. A real shame considering the program's versatility. Joe shows how to use other prog rams to create "PrintShop Style" cards using. Earlier issues have discussed using the UNIX program Lynx, with an Internet shell account, to cruise the World Wide Web with your Apple II.

To subscribe to SSII, send $25.00 for a one year (6 issue) subscription or $35 for a 12 issue subscription or $55.00 for a three year subscription (18 issues) to:

Joe Kohn
166 Alpine St.
San Rafael, CA 94901-1008

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