Society of Saint Vincent de Paul

Christ the King Conference

The weekend of March 16th & 17th we will host our annual St. Joseph Altar. Assembled prior to the Saturday 4 pm Mass, we collected lots of baked goods and set up an icon and candle in St. Joseph's honor (his feast day is March 19th), and after Mass our pastor Fr. Joseph Raeke blessed the baked goods and they were then sold to benefit our work for the needy in the parish.
The St. Joseph Table laden with goods before Mass.
Close up of the icon of St. Joseph.
Fr. Raeke and Deacon LaFond bless the table.

Who we are | What we do | Our supporters | Links
Past Events

Who we are

The Society of Saint Vincent de Paul (SVDP for short) is a world-wide fellowship of men and women numbering nearly 1 million persons. Founded by Blessed Frederick Ozanam when he was a college student in Paris in the 1833, the aim of the Society is to strengthen the Christian faith of its members by means of prayer, discussion and united charitable activity.

SVDP emphasizes visiting people who need help right in their home, getting to know them and befriending them. As a group of volunteers who are ourselves dependent on the charity of others to carry on our activities, we Vincentians know that we can't solve all problems. But we can offer friendship, information and fellowship to all.

What we do

We help people in need primarily by bringing food, Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners, helping with utility bills, and sharing information about other sources of help in the area. While we generally restrict our assistance to people living within the geographical boundaries of our parish, we serve anyone who contacts us, regardless of creed, race or ethnic background.

Folks who need help can get in touch with us by calling the parish at (508) 586-1575 and leaving a message in our voice mail box.

Our supporters and members

We are supported by the parishioners of Christ the King parish through donations to the poor boxes in the church, donations to occasional canned food drives, and other donations, including memorial gifts for deceased loved ones.

If you are interested in joining with other Catholics in an active ministry of charity, contact us at the rectory number above, or send an email to us at We meet bi-weekly on Saturday mornings at our office/pantry on the first floor of the convent.

There are many other conferences of the Society in Southeastern Massachusetts. Each is dedicated to helping others in their own community.

Some Links

National Saint Vincent de Paul Council

Archdiocesan Central Council-Boston SVDP

Christ the King parish Church, Brockton, MA

Catholic Justice & Peace Links

Archdiocese of Boston web site