Silver City Dancers
Felicia's Dance Classes Steve's Dance Classes Other Line Dance classes and dance nights
What is Line Dancing? Photos Line Dance Events
Dances Taught at Silver City

UPDATE: June 20, 2024.

Silver City Dancers holds all our regular dances on Sunday afternoons at the Taunton VFW Post, 82 Ingell St., Taunton, Mass, from 2 to 6 pm.
We are on Summer break -- our next dance will be Sunday afternoon, September 15, 2024 at Taunton VFW, 82 Ingell St, Taunton, MA. The dance will be from 2 to 6 pm. Admission is $10.00. Felicia will be our DJ for the day. Don't miss it!

Dancing with Gary O'Reilly

We had an amazing time with Gary O'Reilly on April 14-15, 2023 at the Hillside Country Club in Rehoboth. Gary taught us 5 dances during the day Saturday and was on the floor dancing or visiting with people the whole time. Dancers joined us from around New England and from New York and Maryland. We had the best time.

Check back for more special events

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2024 dates on Sunday at the Taunton VFW: September 15th, October 20th, November 24th, December 15th

Please see our Where to Line Dance page for updated details on other local line dance opportunities.

Who Are Silver City Dancers?

Silver City Dancers is based in the "Silver City" of Taunton in Southeast Massachusetts. Felicia Doble of Dancing with Felicia and Steve Cavanaugh of L&S Dance work together to promote all kinds of line dancing and partner pattern dancing in the area. Together they share DJ duties for our dances in Taunton. Our two DJs have their own classes and events as well. Click on the links below to find out more!
Your DJs & Hosts at Silver City. Click on the links to see where Felicia and Steve are teaching and for our other dances and events.
Felicia Doble
Felicia Doble
Visit "Dancing with Felicia"
Steve Cavanaugh
Visit L & S Dance, LLC