The Apple Blossom

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Latest update: August 29, 2008.

The latest issue of The Apple Blossom, Volume 3 Number 4, shipped in early February.

This issue has 4 software reviews, as well as an interview with Max Jones, publisher of Juiced.GS, and an article on setting up your own AppleTalk network. Check out two of our software reviews here online.

Read the first year of the newsletter online, or download complete copies for printing or redistribution. One article from each new issue is also posted, to let you see the type of articles we are delivering, and, hopefully, to whet your appetite for more. You are free to copy articles on this site in whole or part, unless otherwise noted, as long as appropriate credit is given.

If you would like to find out more about me, then check out my family page, although if you don't I won't be hurt too deeply :^).