The Apple Blossom

Volume 3, Number 2

This issue is more of a potpourri than we had intended...but some late arriving product made it tought to stick to our Hypermedia theme, which we will attempt to adhere to in the next issue. This issue does have our long awaited review of the Tiger Learning Computer, along with an excellent interview with David Kerwood, Webmaster of Syndicomm's A2 Web site and Promotions Chief on the A2 area of Genie. HyperTalking returns in this issue, along with an article on the latter history of ProDOS 8 by Jerry Cline.

Table of Contents

  1. News & Announcements
    • Pix.Whiz 2.2 released
    • Apple II Area on AOL
    • EGO Systems to Close Doors
    • Business Works Year 2000 Problem
    • Vitesse Closes Its Doors
    • Eric Shepherd Releases Shifty List 2.0
  2. HyperTalking-Sounding Off!
  3. Talking ][...David Kerwood by Ryan Suenaga, M.S.W.
  4. The Apple IIe Lives On--In the Tiger Learning Computer!
  5. The Evolution of ProDOS 8 by Jerry Cline
  6. From the Publisher

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