The Apple Blossom

Volume 3, Number 3

This issue has a strong hardware flavor, starting out with a tutorial by Buzz Bester on repairing defective ADB IIGS keyboards, and continuing with Vincent Quinn's description of modifying Disk ][ drives so that they can be daisy-chained or used singly with Apple IIc or IIGS computers. We also have an interview with Aaron Pulver, creater of StolenBASE, the only GS/OS based MIME/Base 64 decoder, as well as a review of Spectrum Internet Suite and a variety of news and anno uncements.

Table of Contents

  1. From the Publisher
  2. IIGS Keyboard Repairs by M.H. (Buzz) Bester
  3. Daisy-chaining a pair of Disk ][ Drives by Vincent Quinn
  4. The Color of Webbing (a review of SIS) by Ryan Suenaga
  5. Talking ][...Aaron Pulver
  6. News and Announcements
    • New wares from SSII
    • News from Seven Hills
    • Apple CEO resigns
    • Alltech Electronics lowers Focus HardCard prices
    • SPACS report
    • Byte Works puts more books back in print

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