Publications for the Apple II*

There are at present three widely distributed print publications dealing with the Apple II, GS+ magazine, Shareware Solutions II, published by Joe Kohn (formerly of Incider/A+) and II Alive (published by Quality Computers). All three magazines are bi-monthly: GS+ deals exclusively with the IIGS computer, while Shareware Solutions II and II Alive treat the IIe through the IIGS. Recent articles in GS+ included: Programming the IIGS with the toolbox, a comparison of laser printers comp atible with the Apple II, and reviews of Financial Genius and Quick Click Calc. II Alive has run a three part article on the Internet, how to maximize the power of the IIGS Finder, using a RAM disk on your Apple II, and the Lost Classics project on GEnie . GS+ also has an accompanying disk that contains original programming, along with source code. Shareware Solutions II subscribers often receive a good discount on software/hardware products.

Contact GS+ at GS+ Magazine
P.O. Box 15366
Chattanooga, TN 37415-0366.

You can contact II Alive at II Alive
20200 Nine Mile Rd.
St. Clair Shores, MI 48080.

To get in touch with Joe Kohn, write to:
Joe Kohn
166 Alpine St.
San Rafael, CA 94901-1008.

There are also several disk-based and electronic periodicals available for the Apple II. Softdisk and Softdisk GS are published monthly and include information, news, tech questions and answers, and original programming and graphics. The subscription price is under $9.00 per month. You can call them at 800-831-2694 to request a trial subscription. Resource Central (also known as ICON, the International Computer Owners Network) whom you can call at (913) 469-6502 publishes Stack Centr al (for HyperStudio), Script Central (for HyperCard) and others. Beverly Cadieux writes Texas II, a newsletter for users of AppleWorks. She can be reached at (210) 490-6373.

* Since this article was written, GS+, SoftDisk, and Resource Central have all ceased publication (although SoftDisk GS is still publishing, and EGO Systems, the parent company of GS+ are still producing programs for the Apple IIG S. Quality Computers has announced that there will be only 5 more issues of II Alive before it ceases publications. Not mentioned in this article is the AppleWorks Forum, the bimonthly publication of the National AppleWorks Users Group, whi ch will be published through December of this year.

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