About This Issue
This marks the fourth issue of The Apple Blossom, one complete year! I'm pleased to say that we'll be continuing next year as well, thanks to the support and encouragement that I've received from the Apple II user community, which makes this effort worth while. This issue sees an article from a new contributor, Dave Grenda, who reports on KansasFest, the celebration of the Apple II that occurs in Kansas City each summer. I had to edit Dave's article for space reasons, but you can read the entire article on the new Apple Blossom Web site (more on that later). I also had a lot of input for the article on printers from Apple II users who are using DeskJet and LaserJet printers, which helped to give a lot more depth to that article.
For the next issue there are already two submissions lined up including one from a reader in Denmark! So, the support for this project is continuing to grow, and I hope that it will serve your needs. If you know of someone who ought to be receiving the Apple Blossom, let me know, so that I can be sure to send them an issue. Also be sure to check out the Apple Blossom Web site if you have Internet access! Every article from all issues is there, and plus some other informative documents and links and the updated Apple II Vendor List! The URL is , and you can view it from your Apple II if you have a shell account or from GEnie with Lynx, or using a Mac or PC using NetScape or Mosaic. I hope you enjoy the Web site which will be adding more content and links. Enjoy this issue as well.
Steve Cavanaugh,
publisher of The Apple Blossom
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