The end of August brought the sad news that GS+, the bimonthly magazine/disk subscription put out by EGO Systems, was folding. A falling subscriber base was cited as the main cause of cash-flow problems. Despite stepped-up advertising efforts, the public
ation of new programs like Balloon, and the distribution of other software companies products, EGO Systems couldn't keep the magazine in publication. They do plan on continuing to create software for the IIGS, and announced a Macintosh Easy Open translat
or for IIGS Teach files (see the review of that Joe Kohn and "HangTime" have announced that the entire 22 set collection of Script Central, the HyperCard IIGS disk subscription has become available again from Shareware Solutions II. The
latest issue of SSII detailed the contents of the disks, and a new demo of Script Central has been uploaded to GEnie and America Online for you to check out. The demo not only shows the quality of the series, but includes Joe's exhaustive concordance of
SC disks. You can preview the list of available disks by clicking here. Single issues are available for $7 each. A six issue combo pack (choose any six issues) is available for $36. Shipping charges are $3 for US destinations
or $5 elsewhere. As a bonus, we will include a one disk "HyperCard Player" that will allow you to launch each issue of Script-Central.
You can purchase all 22 issues for $99. As a bonus, we will include the full six disk set that comprises HyperCard IIGS. Due to the weight involved, shipping charges are $6 for US or Canada delivery; $20 elsewhere. Script Central is one of the best wa
ys to learn to use HyperCard, and can help you in creating your own stacks; each issue is full of XCMDs, sample scripts and great ideas that you can use in your own HyperCard stacks. All orders will be shipped by air mail, and Shareware Solutions II can
accept money orders or checks made payable in US funds to Joe Kohn. For more info email Joe at and to order write to Joe at:
Joe Kohn
Shareware Solutions II
166 Alpine St
San Rafael, CA 94901
HyperCard Documentation Re-Released
One of the other great ways of learning to use HyperCard also became newly available in August. Mike Westerfield of The Byte Works, has announced that he is putting the HyperCard IIGS manuals back in print. The cost of these is detailed below:
APDA 48 Getting Started with HyperCard IIGS 156 pages $15
APDA 49 HyperCard IIGS Reference 389 pages $25
APDA 50 HyperTalk Beginner's Guide IIGS 171 pages $15
APDA 51 HyperCard IIGS Disks 6 disks $20
APDA 52 APDA 48-51 in a package $60
To order, call Mike Westerfield at the ByteWorks at 505-898-8183 or send email to
Time-Out Central Available Again Too!
Another re-release is courtesy of Marin MacroWorks which is pleased to offer all 26 back issues of TimeOut Central. Each issue is an 800K disk magazine full of tips, techniques, templates, tools, and programs for enhancing AppleWorks. Including tools fo
r AppleWorks 3 (circa 1990) through AppleWorks 5 (January, 1994), TimeOut Central offers sound advice from the people who made AppleWorks what it is today. The complete contents of these 26 disks is too large to reprint here, but is available on the GEni
e A2 Bulletin Board as message 77 in Category 13, Topic 11 as well as on the Apple Blossom Web site. To order, please send prepayment (check or money order in U.S. funds) to:
Marin MacroWorks
1675 Grand Avenue, Suite 1
San Rafael, CA 94901-2211
or call (415) 459-0845.
Update to AutoArk
EGO Systems has announced that an updated version of AutoArk is now shipping! AutoArk is a file compression utility that works behind the scenes to auto-matically compress and decompress files on your IIGS. With AutoArk installed, you can compress the
files that you rarely use and regain the use of much of the space on your hard drive. When you need to use a compressed file, you don't have to run a separate utility, AutoArk will automatically decompress the file for you! And, when you've finished w
ith the file, AutoArk will automatically recompress the file for you! (AutoArk also has the ability to password protect and encrypt any of your files!)
The regular price of AutoArk v1.1 will be $35. As with EGO Systems' other products, this price includes first class shipping to anywhere in the United States, Air Mail shipping to Canada and Mexico, and surface mail shipping toanywhere else in the w
orld. (For Air Mail delivery outside North America, add $3, for a to-tal of $38.) If you are a previous owner of AutoArk, the cost to upgrade will be $10. For more information, contact EGO Systems at (615) 332-2087 or email Steve Disbrow at If you want to purchase AutoArk v1.1 and Balloon v2.0 at the same time, there is a special deal on that too. The cost will be $55. (Balloon is a new desk accessory that lets you open, create and otherw
ise manipulate ShrinkIt archives from inside any IIGS desktop program.)
Keyboarding 5 updated for Network Use
Finally, Charles Hartley has announced that his acclaimed Keyboarding 5 program is now available in a network version that is perfectly suited for school labs running on an AppleShare network. Keyboarding 5 has been called the most effective software for
helping people learn touch typing available on the Apple II. The network version of Computer Keyboarding 5 is capable of handling as many as 26 different classes of as many as 50 students each. This network version of Computer Keyboarding 5 sells for $1
00, the same as the cost for a site license for the stand-alone version.
Orders may be sent to:
Charles Hartley
455 Foster Lane
Shepherdsville, KY 40165
School purchase orders are accepted.
Additional information may be obtained by sending email to Mr. Hartley at one of these addresses: or
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