by Gareth Jones
It is easy to move a sound or an icon from one HyperCard IIGS stack to another. However, HyperCard IIGS is a self-contained universe. Unlike HyperStudio, it cannot open standard sound and icon files.
There are ways to bridge the gap between HyperCard and everything else. For example, Triad Venture sells disks under the collective name "The HyperStuff Collection" to solve such problems. Triad's "SoundConvert" disk allows sound files in a number of formats to be attached to HyperCard stacks. Their "ClipArt Plus" disk performs similar useful conversions for icons and Print Shop IIGS graphics.
As good as the Triad Venture products are, many GS users may find them a little too expensive, considering that HyperCard IIGS itself is now free. I stumbled upon a useful program that will do many of the same tasks for much less money, however. It is called "RMover1.1d1," and although its "About" dialogue box claims that it is for demonstration purposes only ("Please do not distribute."), it is distributed on the "HyperCard IIGS Developer's Disk" that sells for $15 (U.S.). If you are interested in ordering a copy, telephone The Byte Works at 505-898-8183 and ask about item APDA 34.
RMover is a GS-specific application program that can copy resources from one file to another. To show how RMover works, I will step through the process of attaching a system sound to a HyperCard IIGS stack.
Start the process by double-clicking the RMover icon to launch the program. The RMover screen looks much like Installer, Apple File Exchange, and some other Apple utilities. It has two windows, one on the left and one on the right, which are initially empty. There are also a few buttons, of which three are labelled "Open", "New", and "Type".
Click "Open" on the left side of the screen and select the sound file that you will be attaching to a stack. The pathname of the file should appear above the left hand window, replacing "No file."
Now go over to the right side of the screen and click the "Open" button there. Select the stack that you will attach the sounds to. I suggest that a good one to start with will be ScriptersTools, which is one of the stacks that comes with HyperCard IIGS.
The screen now shows the pathnames of both files, but the windows are still empty and several buttons are dimmed and unselectable. You need to select the type of resource that you wish to display clicking the "Type" button and selecting "rSoundSample" in the dialogue box that appears. "rSoundSample" is the very last item in the list. Once this has been done, the two main windows should display the sound resources in the files you have selected.
The actual copying of resources (sounds or not) is straightforward. You need to select one or more of the items in the left window and then click the ">Copy>" button.
If you have finished with your resource copying at this point, then that's it. You can exit RMover, launch the ScriptersTools stack, and click its "Update" button to add the sound to its list of resources. Your new sound will now have its name displayed in ScriptersTools for playing or for attaching to any other HyperCard IIGS stack. If you would like to attach sounds from some other file, however, click the "Close" button on the left, then "Open," then select a new sound file to copy from.
As you noticed while selecting a resource type, RMover is not limited to copying sounds. Among other possibilities, you can copy icons into a HyperCard stack from HyperStudio or from the "Desktop" file in your "Icons" folder. You could also do the reverse.
It is probably a good idea to go slow on these other possibilities until you do some reading up on GS resources, however. RMover does not allow you to renumber or rename the resources you are copying. RMover's ability to move sounds, however, has been completely reliable and safe so far.
Gareth Jones is the former Editor of Apples B.C. News and a Contributing Editor of Hyper Quarterly, a new magazine-on-disk devoted to HyperCard IIGS stacks.